2nd Trimester

Switching OB's- any advice?

ey everyone,

I'm 17 weeks tom, and am in the process of changing my OB. My current OB has been my GYN for several years now, but I hate the way I am treated at the office. Each time I call its like some inconvenience (I called maybe twice this whole time), I feel that the doctor is just trying to make $$$. In comparison to others on the board, I receive an ultrasound each and every single appt. While its nice to see the baby, be reassured of its movements, and have the gender confirmed each time- it also leaves me wondering if all of these ultrasounds are necessary and if on some level they may be harmful to a developing baby. Something else that bothers me is that the doctor, basically forgot to give me prenatal vitamins. Shocking yes I know, at 12 weeks he said I can finish off the rest of my folic acid and that prenatals at that point are too early. At 16 weeks, he didnt mention vitamins until I brought it up- and then he goes "well, which kind?" I'm like- I dunno your the doc! and he goes ohh i thought you already had a prescription.  Making me think that if i didn't mention anything he would just continue not prescribing them.

Lastly, I have had an extensive spinal fusion due to scoliosis which might make it impossible to have an epidural/ or even a spinal tap in case of C-section. For this reason I've been pushing him to have a consul with the anesthesiologist and each time he says oh its too early its too early. Except if there is no chance of meds during labor, I need to know well ahead of time and take classes and get my educated on natural birthing practices.

Obv. all of these are good reasons to change docs, but I'm very nervous about switching. Also, the new doctor a high risk at Cornell, has inconvienent hours (must take off of work), and prob. won't waive co-pays and the other lil monetary benfits my reg. ob/gyn did. Obv. the health of my baby doesn't compare to a 20$ savings- but i'm still very nervous. Has anyone changed OB's in the middle of their PG? What were your reasons and experiences?
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