2nd Trimester

Anyone else nesting like crazy?

So recently (within the last week or so), I've had this ungodly urge to nest - DH made the mistake of telling me that whatever I rip apart, he'll help me put back together (I took this as a "yes, dear, I'll pay for anything you want done with the house" lol)... Let me just say that I'm not due until the last of June, and this urge is scaring me!

We currently have a contractor here, who started last week, that has painted the nursery (first 2 colors weren't right, 3rd color was the charm!), painted the formal living room and added a chair rail, is painting the tv room, laying new tile in the master bath, refinishing the ceilings, and will be going under the house to insulate and basically do maintenance... Not to mention I've cleaned out all of the cupboards in our kitchen and re-organized/moved things around/got rid of things to make room for baby things, went through my closet and got rid of a bunch of clothes, and have people coming this weekend to do a very thorough cleaning.

Anyone else going crazy with the nesting? I've been lucky that I haven't done the mood-swing thing, but I'm really hoping this doesn't get worse as I get farther along!! It just feels like there is so much that needs to be done before the LO gets here!!

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