2nd Trimester

Started to prepare DD for shopping when baby comes

Yesterday I took my two year old grocery shopping and normally she likes to ride in one of the carts that has the little car in the front but was unwilling to. She told me she wanted to walk. I was nervous about how she was going to be and how may extra groceries I would be leaving the store with, so before we went in I bent down and clearly explained that she needed to hold onto the cart at all times.

She did great! There were a few times that she let go but would come right back and she didn't go crazy with putting things in the cart at all. I am a terrible grocery shopper and it takes me forever and many trips back down the same aisles so I was afraid it was going to be a disaster.

Once we got to the car and the more I thought about it, I think we will try this approach for the next few months since when the baby arrives she couldn't sit in the child seat anyway.

I realize not everyday will be like this but it sure was fun to have such a positive experience and for her to listen so well! The more prepared her and I can be for when baby #2 arrives the better. Especially since my DH is a police officer and works strange shifts so we usually do the shopping without him.

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