2nd Trimester

Question for working moms who also have a toddler...

How do you handle being so damn exhausted?? I have to be up at 3 am 5 days out of the week to be at work at 4. And the rest of the week, I am up at 6:30 on the dot because my crazy child refuses to sleep in just a little bit (even though at times, she doesn't go to bed until late) I try to take a nap when she does, but then I think of the huge loads of laundry waiting for me and the pile of dirty dishes on the sink....That, well, that pretty much kills the nap mood. Sometimes I do allow the house to get beyond messy that my mom takes it upon herself to help me out. So very grateful for that. I tend to have 1-2 cans of diet coke throughout the day, the helps a tiny bit. I sure miss the 6 cups of coffee I use to drink before though :-(
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