2nd Trimester

Started training the puppy with the stroller...

She did pretty good with it. I was actually surprised! She wanted to walk faster then what I was willing to walk, but with a few minor corrections she did very well. We went up and down the driveway quite a few times, then we turned to go down the sidewalk a ways. I didn't want to work her for too long so as to burn her out on it right away, but once she figured out it wasn't going to run over her she did very well.

My neighbor thought I was jumping the gun a bit, but I explained that I couldn't be fighting her (if she was going to be a snot about it) and push the stroller at the same time. With them being dog owners I would have thought that they would understand the idea of working a dog into a changing situation gradually instead of flooding them and not knowing what the outcome would be. Whatever...that is probably why my pup is so well behaved and listens and theirs is dumber than a box of rocks!

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