3rd Trimester

Mental breakdown this AM...

I just need to vent...

About 6 weeks ago, I was diagnosed with PUPPS (itchy rash that covers my entire stomach...luckily hasn't spread...that will be there until I deliver). I have been so itchy and nothing seems to help. I wake myself up in the middle of the night scratching.  Last night, I decided to take some Benedryl, hoping it would help. Not only did it not help the itch, but I was up ALL NIGHT. I sat down with my cup of coffee this morning and just starting bawling. Poor DH doesn't know what to do.  I have at least 10 more weeks to go and I just can't imagine having to deal with this night after night. I'm exhausted!

Julie... Mommy to a beautiful baby girl & 2 handsome boys!! image. Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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