3rd Trimester

So annoyed!!! Sorry a little long!

Sorry for this vent and I am sure there are a lot of people dealing with the same stuff but I just need to vent ;) I am 36 weeks with my second and have a job where I am on my feet and walking around the whole time I am at work. I also work at night from about 5:00 pm-1:00 am then get up at 8:00 am to chase around a 2 year old all day. I have stayed working this long and last week I started hurting a lot, meaning BH contractions like crazy, my back hurts so bad I can barely move once I hit my bed at night, and there is so much pressure on my hips and "vajayjay" that I am spending more time sitting then actually working!! Anyways my mom (who worked at a desk job up until the day she delivered my sister and me), my sister (who might I add has never been pregnant) and my DH all seem to think I am being a wimp!! In fact my sister told me today I am being a wimp when I told her this would be my last week working. I am so tired of them not understanding that being 9 months pregnant is not a walk in the park!!! 

On top of this my DH keeps getting mad at me for being "rude and emotional"!! Seriously you try to do what I do everyday and not be bitchy to everyone, he knows that this past week I have been an emotional wreck but yet he still keeps pushing my buttons! I hope this baby comes in a couple of weeks so I won't have to deal with this anymore! Thanks for letting me vent :)

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