Single Parents

Those with long distance (plane ride) visitation - a question

I have a visitation question and it's not for me for once (yay!)

A friend of mine has 50/50 joint physical care of their 14 month old.  Friend's XFI is planning to move 2 time zones away but has graciously offered to continue 50/50 visitation by offering one month one, one month off.

I told friend that this proposal was complete bull.  How do you get a toddler across the country anyway?  You'd have to fly and pick them up yourself and take them back right?  What about when LO is in preschool/school?  Clearly 50/50 wouldn't work at that point, so I don't see the benefit in continuing that schedule now.

Can my friend object to the other parent moving?

Other parent can't take LO across the country and away from my friend without a new CO in place I assume.

Tell me about your schedule if this is your situation or what a practical solution would be. What should my friend consider in drafting their new visitation/support schedule?

Side note - Friend's XFI also has another child whom they shipped back to the other parent when pregnant w/ current 14 month old because they couldn't handle the stress of parenting.  Hasn't seen that child since...


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