3rd Trimester

Follow your instincs about labor

Just wanted to let you guys know that 3 weeks ago I gave birth to my baby boy via c-section and my labor was nothing like books describe. So just wanted to tell you to follow your instincs because it is better to be safe than sorry. I was so embarrassed of going to L&D and being turned away I waited too long and was in pain for a long time.

 I started having menstrual like cramps 2 weeks before the birth of my baby. They were on and off, accompained by Braxton Hicks contractions. These contractions were not always regular. I talked to the doctor in eveyr visit and they said it was nothing, and once again told me the 5-1-1 rule and how my contractions needed to be timed and get closer together and stronger in intensity.

One night around 9pm after an uneventful day (no contractions or pain) I started having the menstrual like cramps again. I had them all night. They didn't get more intense or closer together. It was constant menstrual cramps accompained by braxton hicks all night. I finally called my doctor at 5am and no one called me back. I called again at 7am and no response. Since I had been feeling pain for over a week and the doctors didn't call me back, I decided to get ready to go to work (not sure what I was thinking!). My husband said he would take me to work just in case and on the way there I decided to call my brother, who is a doctor. He said for me to go to L&D and I said I was embarrassed because not even the doctor called me back, probably thinking I was just another FTM who is freaking out for no reason.

 Long story short, I went there and was admitted. I was almost 39 weeks. My water broke at the hospital, I pushed for almost 2 hours, and had a sucessful c-section 14 hours after. Just wanted to share this story because I was expecting my labor to be like everyone else's and I was in pain and embarrassed to do something about it because everyone kept telling me it was nothing.

 Good luck everyone!

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