Single Parents

overwhelmed with the new changes

So I'm coming to terms with me being alone with my LO. I've been with my boyfriend/fiance for almost 2 years but we've been long distance the entire time. We've had our ups and downs for sure. In fact, I told him I wouldn't move there unless we were in a commitment (engaged). He bought a ring and the day he gave it to me we conceived our LO. A month later he freaks out and says it's moving too fast (this comes after I give my landlord notice and start moving things down). Evenutally he begged me to come back and I did...then we find I'm pregnant. It definitely was an unexpected gift for sure. But now it's gotten to the point where we never see each other...never! It's always something that keeps us apart. I've decided to stay with my mother (who's been so supportive right now and I couldn't imagine this without her now) so I can save money...a temporary fix. He just never wants to talk about the baby and we argue about not seeing each other. This morning was the tipping point when he wouldn't meet me to get the crib but was going to send his mother. Then said, "you might as well come down so you can put the nursery together". I just lost it and said it's off...the crib and dresser will go with me to my mother's. He just doesn't want to be a part of it. He paid 400 (part of it) and asked for his money back so he can buy his own crib. It's just so upsetting to think this is what it's come to. I just want my child to be in a healthy and happy environment. Has anyone been through this? I just want to know I'm doing the right thing. We were shakey to begin with and now it's broken. I just want to do what's best for my LO.
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