3rd Trimester

XP: Dylan John's birth story with pics...

What an experience!! I will start by saying that giving birth was nothing like I though it would be.  It was great!  The days after...not so much...

I went to the doctor on Wednesday knowing that if I was at least 4 cm he would induce me which I was totally fine with.  I ended up being 5 cm so off to labor and delivery I went.  I checked in around 1:30pm, changed, and waited in the room for my DH to get there (my mom was with me too).  DH got there around 2:30 and they hooked me up to the pitocin.  It started working within 10-15 minutes and I was having some decent contractions but nothing that I could not deal with.  My doctor came in around 3pm and said I had dilated to 6cm and that he would be back in an hour to break my water.  Even though I was really not in much pain, I knew I did not want to feel my water being broke so I asked for the epidural which I had intended on getting at some point any way. I figured, why wait.

The epidural was given...I compared it to getting a flu shot in your back. Very uneventful but an amazing little drug :-)

My doctor broke my water around 4pm. I felt NOTHING! I played cards with my DH and watched NCIS until my doctor said around 8:30...ok, you are a 10! Time to have a baby.

They turned my epidural down so I could feel the urge to push which I did.  Even though I know they would have been 100x worse without the epi, those contractions hurt but pushing them away felt like a huge relief.  I pushed for about an hour and a half but it felt like ten minutes.  It was so exciting and not scary at all (thanks to the lack of tremendous pain).  Dylan was born at 11:06 pm.

I had 3rd degree tears which are not as bad as I thought they would be but they certainly feel worse then the whole birthing part.  Everyday they feel better though. Stool softener and motrin have become my best friends.  When I look at my son, though, the little pain that I have is totally worth it!!  Pics in my sig.

Thanks for reading!!!! 

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