2nd Trimester

Something that's been bugging me..

Maybe it's just me being emotional? So after I found out about being pregnant I obviously told my boyfriend. I told him he could tell his mom asap as long as he mentioned to keep it on the DL until my 2nd tri just incase of a m/c. Well, a week after he told his mom I had a friend (who lives 2 hours away) texting me making small talk and finally asking me if the 'rumor' was true. I was confused as to how she heard about it when she lives 2 hours away and specially since nobody was supposed to know, yet. Welll... turns out boyfriend's sister was annoucing it to everybody at the bar she works at (small town, word travels fast) SO, a couple of days later I had another friend message me on FB, first making small talk, and then asking me about it. The same day I was planning on telling my mom the news she texted me saying, "So I heard I'm going to be a grandma?" I was pissed. I didn't get to tell ANYBODY the news besides my boyfriend. Not to mention ever since my 'friends' have found out about me being pregnant none of them have even tried to get into contact with me.. When I try, I get ignored. They must think I have a disease? ha. I'm sure it's just because I'm on the younger side and a lot of my friends just have drinking/partying on their minds.. I can't help but get emotional about it though. Thanks for letting me just vent :)
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