2nd Trimester

Quick question, could use some advice ASAP...

Hi all,

 My husband and I have plans tonight to have dinner at a friends' house. Too make a long story short, this person is sort of my editor (he manages a blog I write for) so aside from being fun, this is also a good networking opportunity.

However, the guy just called me and said that his wife is sick with a stomach bug, and is throwing up. She's going to be upstairs all night, but they are still having people over. He wants to know if I feel comfortable coming, seeing as I'm pregnant.

I'm not sure if this is a big deal or not. Would you all still go?

(Incidentally, DH is feeling tired and under the weather right now, himself, so if I ask his opinion, which I will in a moment, he'll probably say he doesn't want to go.) 

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