2nd Trimester

Travel at 26 weeks and after birth??

Ok, so my BEST friend in the world is getting married July 29 in Michigan. I live in Alabama. My due date is July 15 and the women in my family have a history of going into labor up tp 2 weeks late (this is my first). Do you think there is any possibility, assuming I deliver around or before my due date, that I could travel to Michigan with a newborn to attend her wedding? I have already informed her I may not make it, and have relinquished my made of honor duties just in case. I REALLY want to be there for her thoguh as she flew all the way to AL for my wedding last year and I know it means a lot to her for me to be there (although she completely understands if I can't make it). Do any of you think long travel with a newborn is a possibility?

Also, she has a shower (in MI) in early May. I will be 26.5 weeks. Is it wise for me to fly at this point and be out of state? I am going to ask my doctor these questions at my next appt, but I am curious if y'all have any opinions/experience with travel while pregnant or with a NEW newborn.


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