2nd Trimester

Cross country trip w/6 week old?

My brother is getting married exactly 6 weeks after my EDD.  We live on opposite sides of the country, so traveling to the wedding would require 6+ hours of plane travel with a layover and another 3 hours of driving from the airport to the wedding city.  In addition to seeing everyone at the wedding, we would also be stopping by to visit DH's extended family, as we would be passing through their town. 

I hate to miss my own brother's wedding, but I think it would all be a bit much for a +/- 6 week old baby.  That's right in the middle of RSV & flu season, and LO would be exposed to a whole lot of people, most of whom would not be content to just look at him/her.  (You know how old aunts and grandmas are with LOs.)  Obviously, I don't want our baby to get seriously ill, but even a minor illness in a tiny baby is a cause for concern, and if we so much as showed up at the doc's office with a feverish LO, we might end up needing to subject the baby to a spinal tap and all kinds of other unpleasant tests.  Besides, I think DH, DS, and I will still be adjusting to life as a family of 4, and I don't know if we'll be up for all that travel/activity so soon.  But, geeze, it's my own brother!  I should be there for his big day, right?!

WWYD?  I'd like to go to the wedding, but I'm just not sure it's worth it.  I think I'd rather send a nice gift, wait a couple months, and make the trip at Christmas when LO is older/stronger and we've settled into our routine.  We would not travel in both Oct and Dec; it's too expensive, so we would only do one or the other.

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