2nd Trimester

The Audacity of my Friends (vent)

Kinda long, sorry. So my friends and I were hanging out a few days ago and I made the comment that I could not accept my pregnancy as my child right now. I am caring for myself, getting the best prenatal care I can and I am excited for when the baby actually comes. However, I am very concerned about mid-term miscarriage because of some things that happened to my grandma during her pregnancies. I don't have any other family to relate to concerning pregnancy because my matriarchal line has passed on. I am really kinda lost on this whole pregnancy situation and don't have a lot of people to relate to, except on this board. My friend then proceeds to tell me that I am horrible for saying that and if she wasn't sick she would have smacked me. (Smacking a friend? Really?) I left and said that I was upset and needed some space. The next day, I was talking to her husband on facebook and he said he didn't think it was that at all. He proceeded to say, 'do you even still want the baby?' I was so offended. I said I couldn't talk and he tried saying "I'm not judging you." These are friends I am trying to be understanding of but I can't do it anymore. It just makes me so angry, he never had children and she didn't raise her two sons. I feel like they can't understand, but to behave that way instead of supporting me really bugged me.

Okay vent over.

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