2nd Trimester

Anyone else having a hard time emotionally with pregnancy?

This does not make sense.   I am 42, been married for almost 9 years, have a 20month old son, we were actively trying to get pregnant with baby #2 (due to my age needed to hurry).   My career is going well, my husband is very supportive, we have lots of help at home and generally have a very nice and balanced life...

I am almost 15 weeks pregnant and I find myself not that excited.   I thought at first it was because I was nervous something was wrong (due to my age)... well thanks to God the tests all came back ok so far, so I thought I would start to get more excited, but I am just not.

I feel emotions that I am not sure why i am feeling... but primarily I am embarrased.   I never felt that in my 1st pregnacy... but I am worried that people will think my kids are too close together at 26.5 months apart, I am worried work (which was wonderful with my first) will be a little off put as I have been promoted again  (I run an in-house legal department) since I have had my son and I don't want them to wonder why I am doing this again at my age... and just generally feel kind of off... not sad, but just numb about all of it.   I also am being petty... I have gained 3 pounds and with my 1st I did not gain anything until 25 weeks and I feel upset that I look a little bloated (which is ridiculous as it is perfectly normal and healthy and my doctor said it was perfect).  

Anyways-- I plan to talk to my doctor at my next appointment but wondered if anyone else is feeling off emotionally and how they are handling it?  

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