2nd Trimester

I feel like such a prisoner (vent)

So one of my twins is just like me. He is a sleeper. Through sickness, teething.......you name it, he still will sleep. If he ever wakes up at night, it's because something is truly wrong.

Monday night he woke up with a tummy ache and he went back to bed fine. When he woke up on Tuesday, he was alright. Not too bad. Gave him some tylenol and I went to work. By the time I got home on Tuesday night, he was crying, had a fever and was drooling a TON. His lymph nodes were VERY swollen. I took him to urgent care and he had a double ear infection. Okay, great, we'll give him some medicine and in a day or two, he'll start to feel better, right? WRONG!

Since Tuesday, he's consistently had a fever if tylenol/ib profen wasn't in his system and he just cries and cries because something is wrong but he can't communicate it to us. Yesterday we knew he had to go to the doctor but my work told me flat out, I needed to come in yesterday and today to make up time from leaving early on Monday for my a/s. My DH had to do payroll and catch up on work himself but thankfully he was able to leave and take DS to the doctor.

The doctor said one ear looked better but the other was still pretty bad. He told us to double up on his medication and see how he was this morning. He woke up with a fever again and was crying BUT he only woke up once last night which, I guess, was some sort of improvement. His lymph nodes were still pretty swollen, too.

I, again, had to be here because 2 people are off on vacation today. I feel like such a prisoner at my job when my child needs me the most. I was crying here at work this morning because I feel so horrible. I feel like a bad mother. I feel like I should have just called in and said screw it to my job. I am a great employee and just had my review on Tuesday where I got high marks but there comes a time where I have to put my family first. I guess in a way I'm afraid to just say screw it because I'm pregnant with #3 and need my job right now.

I just feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place

 *vent over*


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