2nd Trimester


Quick question - anyone else feeling this way?

While on vacation last week, I was walking around a ton and walked up a flight of stairs in a pharmacy when I suddenly felt I was going to pass out - I saw a flush of red, got super nauseous, and sat down immediately in the aisle while my husband got me some water.  After about ten minutes I felt fine.  

Later on I was heading to work, got out of the car, and had the same feeling again - minus the seeing red part.  I freaked out, went to the hospital, and told me that my bp was fine, it was just my blood sugar going up and down too fast, and that I needed to add some protein to my diet.  I felt better and went back to work.

 Today I woke up and went to work (I had a balanced breakfast.)  Not fifteen minutes later I was on my feet working, then I had that same feeling again.  This time I felt super disoriented, almost like I couldn't talk, and I thought I was going to pass out again.  It couldn't have been my blood sugar crashing, since I had just eaten, but I don't know what it was.  

I felt fine about ten minutes later, and the rest of my day was regular.   

Is anyone else feeling woozy? 

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