Single Parents

I feel so angry...

This is more or less a vent, sorry. So as I've posted a few times before I'm a soon to be single mom, who unfortunately is still married to my STBXH. At first he was the nicest guy anyone could ask for. Funny, charming, sweet.... then as we had been together longer he was less and less of all those things. After we got married he was degrading and hurtful. We had planned to get divorced then decided to try for a bit longer... that's when I got pregnant. For about 3 weeks he was okay with it, happy even.Then all of a sudden it wasn't okay anymore, he didn't want me or the baby and immediately started saying this is someone elses baby (which its not) come to find out he had a girlfriend, or at least a girl he was way to close to for being married. Throughout this whole thing he is yet to pay for anything, or even attempt to act like he cares (the money isn't an issue for him, he makes plenty so its not that at all) he goes out and drinks, buys expensive items, etc. Him and his mother both have said horrible things to and about me. Accused me of being on drugs, threatened to take the baby from me, called me names no women- especially a pregnant one should be called. It almost seems like its more his mom than it is him (him mom has been on his bank account the whole time we were together and married, got in the middle out our business constantly, and overall treated me like dirt. Shes pretty obsessive/controlling when it comes to her son) He also did this kind of stuff with the mother of his little one he had before he and I met. It just makes me so angry that all he has to do is say its not his baby and walk away. I know that after baby is born he will need to subject to a paternity test, but still there are way that he can drag that out and he knows it (took baby mamma #1 almost 2 years to get any support from him) so I'm sure thats what will happen here and no lawyer or judge can force him to do anything if he plays the system right. I know its just part of life and sometimes things like this happen but still its just so unfair.
imageimage Visit The Nest! BabyFetus Ticker :.:.Dear baby boy, No one will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you're the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.:.:
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