2nd Trimester

Money/FI Vent....

Well I really never post but REALLY need some impartial advice on this situation.  My FI spent last night looking at new cars and he wants to lease a Mercedes Benz E class which is a $65k car!!!  He would get $10k for the trade in of his vehicle but the payment is still $650 a month.  I feel like this is completely irresponsible when we have a child on the way.  To put things in perspective, he was out of work from last April until this January (8 months total) and he has only been working for two months now.  During this time, I had to pay all bills including our apartment rent which is over $2300/month (we live in Boston where rent is super high) and even accrued around $5k in debt myself having to take care of all of the bills.  It was an awful 8 months where we argued a ton (amazing we even conceived a child during this time LOL). 

Things have been great for the past few months until now.  I basically flipped out on him last night and accused him of being irresponsible with money and said I don't know if that is what I want in my future (I was probably way to harsh on him).  I know he is really hurt by what I said. I feel like we should wait things out a bit financially before he make a purchase of a luxury car!  There are a ton of nice cars which would be much cheaper.  To also put things in perspective, I have some savings and 401k but due to his financial issues last year he doesn't have any so I think this kind of purchase is somewhat ridiculous. 


I just want to save up, buy baby things and work on giving our baby the best life possible financially...Was I wrong to get so angry??


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