2nd Trimester

Anatomy Scan yesterday... ugh...

With my DS we were team green.  DH wanted to know but I didn't.  This time around (after much thought) we decided to be team green again, but DH wanted to make it interesting....

Today is the anniversary of the day we got engaged.  He went a little overboard when he proposed- he did this whole big thing where he took me on a scavenger hunt and led me all of NYC to meet up with friends and have drinks and our friends all asked me questions about DH and our relationship.  It was so much fun and one of the best days of my life.  Anyway, I decided as our "anniversary" gift to him, I'd let him decide whether or not we'd find out the gender.  But, rather than being a simple "yes" or "no" question, DH had to be difficult.  So, the u/s pic with the gender written on it is now in a sealed envelope hanging in our kitchen.  I swear, it's staring at me.  We had the tech seal it and we both signed our names on the seal so we know neither one can open it without the other knowing.  AND IT'S KILLING ME!  UGH!  Why does he have to make things so complicated!  Lets see how long we can last before we break down and open it! :P

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