2nd Trimester

What a day... What have you snacked on today?

For some reason today I have been a MONSTER with the snacking! I am usually pretty good at controlling myself, but since I work at an office with a fully stocked fridge and pantry (free for anyone's taking) I have had trouble containing myself today! This is what I have indulged in:

Breakfast: English muffin w/ honey

Snack: Ritz peanut butter crackers, A chocolate chip granola bar

Lunch: Peanut butter and honey sandwich, wheat thins and cheese

More snacks: Luigis Italian Ice, pack of fruit snacks, chips ahoy 100 calorie pack

And I'm still tempted to walk into the kitchen and get something else (and it's only 2:30) !!! Sheesh I'm a pig today!


Anyone else snacking like crazy???

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