3rd Trimester

How to politely turn down mom's offer to help with baby...

So, DH and I knew it was going to happen sooner or later and had already pre-discussed between us what the answer would be but...my mom has officially asked if she should take time off work to come help me with the baby.

I appreciate the offer but I really think that having her at the house would be more of a hassle than anything...Just wondering how I can politely turn her down. She has made the offer by e-mail so I'm going to respond by e-mail. 

I had started an response which said "DH is taking a week or so off after LO arrives and once he goes back to work we'll be trying to get a routine in place. Maybe once we get settled into something you could come visit instead - I'm sure I'll need help getting our groceries and other shopping done once Mark goes back to work, plus I will probably start to get very tired to having no one to talk to other than a tiny little us... :)"

AND then I thought maybe I'd come on here to see what everyone thinks because I don't want to hurt her feelings or make it seem like I don't want her around at all. I'm going to be off for a while and would love the occassional visit - even if generally speaking she drives me up the wall. She is just very touchy and if I say this the wrong way she'll get all upset and I don't want to do that.

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