2nd Trimester

Its a miracle!! (not really....but yeah, seriously)

My husband and I have ACTUALLY agreed on a name for our little boy! We have talked non-stop about names since the day I peed on that stick and had come up with NOTHING. In fact, I think I went through my entire baby names book of 10,000 names with no agreement.

BUT FINALLY, last night, I mentioned a name, hubby said he really liked it, and again this morning he repeated that he really liked the name. I love it too! It is not written in stone yet as my DH feels he still hasn't explored every single name on the planet yet, but it is the ONLY name on our list right now and I don't see myself liking anything more!

Sooo...the name we will most likely be going with is....drumroll please....

Kellan Thomas!


Did any of y'all have a horrid time coming up with a name? What are you naming your LO?


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