2nd Trimester

Discrimination at work

I started a new job about a month before I found out I was pregnant. Ever since I told my boss I feel like I'm being "picked on". A couple examples:

1. We're moving offices and every person in my office is getting their own office (all of us are EA's) except me. I'm getting a cubicle. There are 2 spare offices. I asked for an office and was told they are for the staff members that stop by to work at our office on ocassion. Why wouldn't they be using the cubes since they only come by once/twice a month?

2. The office manager constantly asks me to make up time. If I leave the office for 10 minutes she tells me "don't forget to let me know how you're making that time up" but has not asked one other employee to do this...just me.

3. I'm supposed to be in charge of this one particular group of our company and managing everything for them. My boss scheduled a meeting w/ to discuss the new website for this group and left me out of it.

 These are just a couple of things but I feel like everyday it's something else whether it's big or small. It's exhausting. I don't know how to tell if she just doesn't like me or if it's b/c I'm pregnant or what. I also have no idea on how to handle the situation. Thoughts? Ideas?


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