2nd Trimester

Anyone else measuring big?

So every time I go into the Dr.s office and she measures me I'm always measuring about 4cm than I should be. She told me you should measure the same as how many weeks you are. So at 25 weeks I was measuring 29cm. She was kind of worrying me about it, saying that we may need to do another ultrasound and if I get too big they will have to either induce my labor or do a scheduled c-section. Which kind of throws my birth plan out the window and the hopes of having a natural drug free birth. Some friends and family of mine said not worry about it since we all gain and measure differently and not to let my Dr. freak me out. This Dr. also likes to constantly change appointment dates because she is always taking time off and she is very flaky when it comes to actually getting in to seeing her. She really likes to push the idea of an epidural and getting births over with as quickly as possible.

I guess my question is any one else measuring big too? My doctor makes it sound like its a horrible thing! 

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