2nd Trimester

Job interview 17 weeks pregnant-advice?

Ok so I landed a great job interview next week for a very part-time job as an ARNP. I currently work 1 day a week and need to change practices for a variety of reasons. I emailed the physician liason at this practice about openings and promptly got an interview. The only thing is, they don't know I am pregnant.

My plan is to wear something to make my bump hide and if I get the impression that I will be offered the job, to say that in the interest of full disclosure, that I am pregnant and that I will need a few weeks off come August. Ideally I would want 6 weeks (the job is only 1.5 days a week), so if they didn't want me to take that much time off, I could maybe agree to 2-3 weeks off and then start back up.

I feel like this is an extremely awkward scenario.Especially because it's discrimination for them to not hire me because I am pregnant, but I also don't want to wait until I've accepted the job to tell them, that seems sketchy.  Anyone have any advice? What do you think of my plan?

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