2nd Trimester

Jesslovesdan Cliff Notes: Just in case...

I'll save her latest ramblings from the inevitable DD:

Every freakin time I've posted it has nothing but a bunch of drama and nonsense! Most of you are nosey b-tches who like to act like you know freakin everything. I'm done! I will not be posting on this board again. Yesterday I saw that post and just decided to reply like everyone else but then I got attacked about my life and choice which is none of anyones business. Other people said they drink wine and stuff yet no one said sh-t but I got called names and told I shouldn't have children becuase I'm not willing to give up MY life! I'm sorry but I did not decide to get pregnant, so we didnt purposely do this, it just happened and we are dealing with it. But at the same time my husband and I still need to enjoy our lives and our marriage and that comes first. I'm so over the wanna be doctors on this board my baby does not have any problems!!! Maybe you all need to worry about yourselves and not what other people are doing! I'm so over this board!!!!!! Also I do NOT have a driniking problem I just have a life maybe you all need to get one!

Original Post:


I still drink socially, drinking is a big part of our social lives so its not something that I was willing to give up. I was a little worried so I've cut back a bit but at all our checks and u/s our babe has been fine, strong hb.So all that to say yes I would drink a glass of wine.

At our check ups the baby hasn't had any issues. I just feel a little more comfortable when I see that the baby is doing ok on the u/s.


I still drink socially, drinking is a big part of our social lives so its not something that I was willing to give up. I was a little worried so I've cut back a bit but at all our checks and u/s our babe has been fine.So all that to say yes I would drink a galss of wine.

You do know FAS and FAE wouldn't necessarily show up on an u/s, right?

At our check ups the baby hasn't had any issues. I just feel a little more comfortable when I see that the baby is doing ok on the u/s.

You are an idiot. 

That was uncalled for, obviously everyone has different opinions on this and I was stating mine and what I'm comfortable with. If drinking is not okay for you thats fine but keep your opinion to yourself.


I still drink socially, drinking is a big part of our social lives so its not something that I was willing to give up. I was a little worried so I've cut back a bit but at all our checks and u/s our babe has been fine.So all that to say yes I would drink a galss of wine.

You do know FAS and FAE wouldn't necessarily show up on an u/s, right?

At our check ups the baby hasn't had any issues. I just feel a little more comfortable when I see that the baby is doing ok on the u/s.

You are an idiot. 

That was uncalled for, obviously everyone has different opinions on this and I was stating mine and what I'm comfortable with. If drinking is not okay for you thats fine but keep your opinion to yourself.

Believing that the effects of alcohol on a fetus will show up in routine check ups and u/s is what makes you an idiot.  I don't care how much you drink.

What I said is we haven't noticed any issues because there are none! Our baby is doing well and has been the whole time. If there was a problem because of my drinking or otherwise it would've been noticed by now. And no one asked you to care how much i drink, that is my business not yours! You are beginning to piss me off with your know-it all attitude.

Sorry about the long quotes, but I didn't want to get too crazy with the editing and fook up. Before anyone complains that I am not pregnant and shouldn't be posting here-- this has been linked on TB elsewhere. That, and I post where I want, YWIA. 

I really hope that Jessa is a troll out to stir the pot, but if not then I feel really bad for her baby. It is already fighting an uphill battle for life. 

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