2nd Trimester

Why am I now more exhausted than ever?

I'm 20 weeks tomorrow, so I'm well into my 2nd trimester, and I have less energy than ever.

DH gets up around 4:30am or 5am to leave for work. I get up with him and make him breakfast, then I try to stay up and we both go to bed about 8 or 9pm (woohoo!). But lately, I've been going to bed with him around 8 or 9, getting in 6 or 7 hours of sleep, and still I'm too tired to stay awake. As soon as he's out the door, I go to bed. I set my alarm for 7am but keep hitting snooze until I finally wake up around 9:30 or even 10am.

So I'm getting between 9 and 10 hours of sleep every night, but during the day I'm so tired I have to fight to stay awake. DH says it's because I'm not very active, so I've started walking the dog every day, but when I get back I'm so tired I can't get off the couch (and I'm lucky if I don't fall asleep again).

I thought tiredness was meant to go away in the 2nd trimester? This is worse than my 1st trimester (I had to nap once a day, but then I felt fine). What is going on?

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