2nd Trimester

Trouble finding heartbeat

This may seem silly but I'm wondering if this happens to anyone else or if this is a sign that something is wrong.  Every time I have went in to the Dr. they have the hardest time finding the heartbeat.  I had my 16 week appointment yesterday and again it took the Dr. a few minutes to find it.  At my 12 week appointment the Dr. had trouble and said not to worry that at my next appointment it will show up right away since the baby will be bigger, but nope it still took forever.  I started crying the first time they couldn't find it because I had a mc years ago and we found out because they couldn't find a heartbeat.  So now every time I go in and this happens it just makes it really hard for me to feel pregnant or like there really is anything in there.  And now I'm worried that something is wrong with the baby or me.  I asked the Dr. if there was something wrong and why it took so long and she said it was her not me or the baby and that the heartbeat sounded perfect, but that just doesn't have me feeling reassured.
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