2nd Trimester

Seeing Blood On Tissue (TMI)

A few hours ago I went to the bathroom and when I wiped there was a very small amount of reddish/pinkish blood on the toilet paper. It was literally one spot, the size of my pinkie nail. When I went to wipe again to check there was nothing else. I had the same thing yesterday and the day before. One small spot and then nothing. 

I called midwife and she said just to take it easy. She speculates that I am having trouble with hemmies or have some sort of irritation on my cervix or vagina. When I was 12 weeks she actually did an exam and found a scratch on my cervix. But wouldn't that have healed by now? I had an appointment with her a week ago and everything was fine with baby. He's bumping around right now as we speak.

I am just wondering if I should call her again. The last time I called her she made me feel like I was totally overreacting. Granted it was the day after our appointment, but still. I am hesitant to call now because lately she has been making me feel silly. I was just wondering if anyone has any insight or advice about what I should do.

Husband and I are both carriers of Delta F508, one of the many mutations that cause Cystic Fibrosis. We pray for a cure.
D-IUI #1 September 2011 ~ BFN D-IUI #2 October 2011 ~ BFP!
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