2nd Trimester

Group B AND Gestational diabete?!!???!

I have always been pretty healthy... and now, omg I am so nervous. I was told that I had Group B Strep during my culture exam and get tested again for it in a few weks but just last week I had my glucose test and they came back elevated. So now I have to go this week and do the 4 hour testing after following a 3 day diet. I am just super bummed because they said I might be a candidate for gestationl diabetes... I know what it is and all but did it really affect anybody who was diagnosed with it? I've read on some sites some people were'nt too affected by it and others were.My mother has Type 2(?) diabetes but I know that is completley different than the gestation diabetes.  I am just so scared for my baby now (#1) and hope she comes out healthy :( With Group B Strep and diabetes, I am super nervous. Any encouraging words out there? lol
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