2nd Trimester

Very thankful for my husband!

I must say that my husband is wonderful. He is very understanding, patient and helpful. From the moment we met 8 years ago he has been so great. He does laundry, picks up dog poop, cleans the cat box (even before pregnancy), cleans the toilets, makes dinner (2-3 days a week if needed), changed and makes the bed with me or for me, vacuums and cleans up after himself. I am SUPER lucky and know it. I have a few friends and family members who struggle and fight with  their husbands to get them to do something... I am truly blessed and know my husband will be a wonderful father... He is already showing huge signs (hasn't missed one appointment).  


Sorry so mushy... I just had to praise my husband because I see everyday how lucky I really am.  


Ok all DONE... :-) 

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