2nd Trimester

Still struggling with my anxiety - don't know what to do

I posted a couple of weeks back how my a/s showed my LO has choroid plexus cysts.  I did my research, chatted with some ladies on the bump in similar situations and talked to my OB.  I came the the conclusion that I would not to the amnio.  But here I am, weeks later, still obsessing over the what if's.  I can't help it.  I mentioned before that I have anxiety and it affects me by causing me to obsess over health concerns.  I was in therapy for this last year (before I was pregnant) and I did a lot to overcome my issues.  I was doing great, then this. I'll go a couple of days where I do okay, then I'm back to thinking about it non-stop.  I'll cry, worry, etc.  All the ways my anxiety manifests itslef within me, have come back.

I don't know what to do and I'm having a hard time letting anyone know how I really feel and how this is deeply affecting me.  I don't want to put my baby in harms way (via an amnio) but I also don't think my constant worry is doing him/her any good either.  I don't know what to do.  I feel so blessed to be having another baby but I also feel as though I am not fully excited becuase of what I'm dealing with.

I will love this baby no matter what, but the not knowing is REALLY getting to me.  I know this is a personal decision, but I needed to get this out.  Thanks for listening.

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