2nd Trimester

Sometimes i just want to Smack the crap out of DH

I dont understand why it is so damn hard to clean up after yourself.. Why it is so hard to put dishes in the dishwasher, to throw your trash in the garbage instead of leaving in on the counter... UGGHHH.

I get up this morning. I went to bed early lastnight because I was sick. I made dinner and he ate later. He left the dirty pots on the stove, the leftover macaronni on the counter, the pan in which he used to make garlic bread on the counter... and a sink full of dishes.. Will it freakin kill you do clean up?!?!

Then this morning he cant find a shirt he is looking for for work... He told me he say it on the drying rack yesterday and tried to blame me for misplacing it... Yeah buddy the drying rack hasnt been up since FRIDAY... and maybe if you did your own laundry and put the crap away you would no where it was!!... I foudn it... in a pile of clean clothes that he needs to put away.

is it just my husband??? or are most men like this.... because Im gonna flip my lid! 

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