2nd Trimester

My dog got into my prenatal pills!

I was teaching a class out of town yesterday and sent my brother to check on my dogs in the house.  When he got there, he sent me a picture of my bottle of chewed up prenatal vitamins with the message, "I found this on the floor with some of the pills chewed up."  I was beyond angry, but instantly became worried.  I don't know if she actually ate some or just chewed on a couple.  He said he found a few with teeth marks in them and threw them out.  I've been watching her closely ever since, but I have to wonder, how dangerous is this for my dog?  She hasn't acted any differently since I've been home and her physical appearance hasn't changed.  How worried should I be?  Thanks for the advice.


P.S. If you'd like to see a picture of this troublesome little girl, take a look at my photo album.  She's deceptively cute!

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