2nd Trimester

BF question for moms with 2 or more

I will post this on the BF board too but I thought I would check first on here. With my son I EBF'ed for the first year and loved it. I had no problem with supply. With my pregnancy with him I started out at 148 and ended at 168 pounds. This pregnancy I started out at 133 and am gaining the same type of weight each week that I did with DS. So I am guessing I may end around 155 or something like that. SO i was wondering if the difference in weight might hurt my supply? Wondering if I should make an effort to try to gain a few more pounds. I am 5'9 and with my last pregnancy I lost all the baby weight by the time I left the hospital . If that happens again I am just worried I won't have enough extra weight for EBF ing.

I may totally be over thinking this, but I was curious so I just thought I would check if anyone knew anything about this :) Thank you !!

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