2nd Trimester


Just signed up for a new program at my OBGYN office, and I'm wondering if anyone else does something similar?

Our "centering sessions" are our doc. appointments. They're all pre-scheduled and meet at the same 4 to 6 time block. There are about 10 other women in the sessions who are all due around the same time, and friends/family/spouse etc are welcome to come. The group is run by our midwife and her nurse. They give us our own charts and have us take our own weight, blood pressure, and baby's heartbeat (always with assistance if needed)

Then we discuss any symptoms, questions, etc...do activities in a workbook and so on. Each of us got a copy of "What to Expect When You're Expecting" the first session, which was pretty sweet, and we have little snacks and drinks. If we need individual attention, lab work, additional ultrasounds, etc, then she takes note and we schedule that on the way out. I was a bit wary at first, but I actually really enjoy it!  

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