2nd Trimester

Tickled PINK!!

So we had our a/s yesterday and after hearing from the tech that everything looks perfect and our baby is right on track, she asked us if we wanted to know the gender.  We excitedly said "yes please!".  It only took about 10 seconds for her to determine that we are having a baby GIRL!!  Funny though, at that point, it almost didn't even matter what the sex was because we were just so elated that the baby is perfectly healthy.  But needless to say, we are tickled pink to be welcoming a baby girl into the world!  And I am very pleased to say the MH's family, who was "expecting" a boy, was very happy and had only wonderful things to say.  MH said that when the tech said "its a girl", a warm wave went through his body... How sweet!!  I haven't been able to stop smiling since the appt.    
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