3rd Trimester

Ridiculous Grandparent Name

My mom wants to be called Gram-Grammy (b/c she thinks grandma makes her sound old o.O)... Which I think both the name & her attitude are ridiculous.

When she mentioned this, it was while we were discussing Kendall & baby things, along the lines I asked if she was excited to be a Grandma. She abruptly stated, "don't call me Grandma, makes me sound old!" "Okaaaay..... What do you want to be called I responded?"

So she sat there for a moment going uuummmm, ummm (clearly hadn't thought about her 'grandma name') then blurted out Gram-Grammy... I'm thinking to myself, 1-her attitude sucks, 2-how is a young toddler suppose to pronounce this easily & 3-what a ridiculous name to come up with.

My mother is a 'special woman' of sorts & nuts! to say the least.

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