2nd Trimester

My Former Boss Outed Me on FB

First of all - Hi 2nd trimester!

Last night I posted a video of my 2 year old on Facebook.  Friends started liking and commenting and such and about an hour later my husband went on Facebook and since he is tagged in the video he was checking to see what people were saying.  My former boss wrote something along the lines of "Wow, I can't believe how big she is getting.  And I hear she is going to be a big sister.  Congrats!"  The only way I can figure she found out it because she and my current boss, who took her position when she left, are friends.  My current boss knows I am pregnant and probably thought nothing of telling my former boss because she and I do not have any mutual friends.  Totally innocent mistake - and I guess it saved me the trouble of figuring out a fun way to announce it on Facebook.  I thought about taking her comment down, but by now plenty of people have seen it.  Oh well!

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