Single Parents


So I was wondering, when do overnight visitations typically start? I know I've read a variety of information, but I'd like to know what people's experiences are.

I'm EBF, and STBXH has DD every other Thursday from 4-6pm. Recently, he decided he'd like to see her more often, which is okay with me for the most part. He wants to see her twice a week now, which is ok, but also wants to start overnights in another month. I REALLY don't feel comfortable with that. Especially as I'm EBF, and she'll tolerate a bottle every now and then, but doesn't take one eagerly. Plus, when she gets up in the middle of the night, its usually the breast that gets her back to sleep, or "petting" my face until she falls asleep again. I just think that would be too traumatic for her. Maybe if she were a year, maybe 18 months . . . but only 7 months old??

 I posted earlier about me having reservations about his mental stability as he has had temper outbursts, which is why we're separated now, and has been physically violent in the past. I just want to protect DD, but my legal aid told me its going to be VERY hard to get supervised visitation, so I'm trying to be as cooperative as possible (sigh). Any and all info is helpful.


P.S. A court date is still pending for the divorce, waiting to see if judge will waive filing fees on my divorce response paperwork (sigh) what a hassle this divorce stuff is. In case it matters, he is the one who filed for divorce, I was willing to stay together if he'd get some professional help, but he refuses to.

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