2nd Trimester

x-post from Aug 2012 - 19 weeks... akk!!

a) I haven't died, or fallen off the face of the earth - but I have been working like CRAZY for the last week.  (gotta love it when your station is randomly selected for a regulatory hearing - nothing like 49 hours of excel report packed into one fun week!)b) I'm really hoping to be back to cruising the boards tomorrow.  It's weird - i actually miss you guys :)c) I just cranked out my 19week blog post - it was (mostly) about exercising, but I had a hard time coming up with anything beyond the "obvious" swimming, walking, yoga, etc.  I would LOVE some input on what creative things you're all doing to stay fit - here it is:  http://ruffelles.wordpress.com/2012/03/06/19-weeks-the-penultimate-round-1/ and - as per usual, please post your blogs so that I can visit you all :)have a great tuesday!jenn 
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