Single Parents

Just stopping in here....need to vent/ looking for advice...

I honestly do not know what to do anymore or where to turn. My DH and I have been married almost 3 years and have been together for 8. We have a LO who is almost a year. I am torn and do not know what to do anymore. When things are good they are great, when they are bad it is really bad. When we fight the b**** and C*** words get thrown out and I cannot stand it. Tonight we had an arguement and as our daughter was trying to go to sleep all he kept doing was cursing and raising his voice. I really just couldnt believe how inconsiderate he was being. I am SO TIRED of dealing with the verbal abuse when it just sucks because our relationship does work in all other areas, but the communication at times is HORRIBLE.

My parents are still married and the thought of being a single parent scares me to death...not that I wouldnt be able to handle it, but the thought of my daughter growing up and having her family seperate. It literally makes me hysterical just thinking of it and how sad I feel for her because she is the innocent one here. I just cant stomach the way he talks to me at times and I worry because soon my daughter will repeat and understand what he is saying. I also HATE arguing in front of her, which we try not to, but it does happen on an occasion. I always speak calmly and he always is yelling, cursing and being arrogant. I feel like the next day it is swept under the rug and we are back to square one and I am SICK of it.

Just needing to vent and hear your advice out there......

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