2nd Trimester

MIL worries (kind of a rant...kind of a question)

Ok, so I kind of have an awful mother in law. I mean, she means well and we have a "pleasant" relationship, but sometimes I catch myself really disliking her and I feel horrible! My husband has no clue she gets to me like she does and I worry once the baby comes that I will be alone in my absolute frustration with her rude, controlling, and just plain weird behavior.

Example #1: about 3 years ago, after my husband and I had been dating about a year (no engagement, no baby on the way, etc) and she went into a full blown lecture with me on breastfeeding. And I'm talking basically commanding me that one day, when her son and I have kids, I WILL exclusively breast feed for at least one year or until our baby self weanes (not that I'm against this, its just none of her damn business what I chose to do!)

Example #2: She saw me for the first time since announcing our pregnancy at 10 weeks last week and had the nerve to tell me, in front of about 7 friends and family members, that I am gaining weight in my butt and thighs. And THEN proceeded to approach my mom, sister, and aunt at our gender reveal party and voice her concern for my weight gain to them (and who knows who else) as well. I am 21 weeks and have only gained about 12 pounds! My doctor says thats perfect!

Example #3: She feels the need to showoff her "self-perceived" expertise about EVERYTHING to EVERYONE! She comments to random strangers that their babies need sunscreen at the zoo, she corrects the way I pull a cookie sheet out of the oven, she REARRANGED the pictures I had hanging on my walls throughout my house without permission, she tells me INCORRECT information regarding my pregnancy (eg: telling me at 19 weeks that my baby was only about the size of a quarter so I shouldn't be showing, which I wasn't), and coming to stay at my husband and I's new house that we lived in for only 3 weeks and proceeding to point out everything that I lacked in my guestroom for guests, like bandaids and a haridryer and Q-tips. Bring your own lady!!!

Sheesh, I could go on forever! No one in my family particularly likes her, but since we are all polite and raised as Christians we try to see past her flaws and give her the benefit of the doubt but it is getting SO HARD! What will I do when baby comes!! I don't her babysitting as she has a horrible potty mouth and doesn't know when to turn it off and her entire family yells and screams and curses at eachother all the time! I love my husband, but I often question how he turned out so normal.


Ok...done. If you read all that then THANKS! that was long. Haha

So...anyone with a similar situation? Advice? Thanks!

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