2nd Trimester

Anyone have this experience? So upset-long

I am 14 wks....Friday night I started with a bad headache. Nothing and I mean nothing that normally relieves these headaches worked. I have a history of migraines and what I am experiencing is nothing like anything I have ever experienced.

Yesterday I called my OB and she advised me to go to my PCP. They prescribed me Fiorcet which is a class C. They told me if I have no relief from this then to contact my OB (which I was doing anyway). I called my OB and see if I could take it. They said yes but only take it when needed. I did some research on it when I got home, took one and it didn't work so I will not be taking another.

I then made an appointment for a massage (which I had done and didn't help). I then saw my chiropractor (which I haven?t seen in a while). He feels I have a compressed nerve in my neck and that is the root of the pain. I had an adjustment last night and he told me to come back this AM for another adjustment. This morning I woke up at 4:00am in the most excruciating pain. I couldn't move the pain was so intense. I called my OB and they told me to get to the ER right away.

The ER did not much in the lines of trying to figure out what was wrong, basically because their options on diagnosing and treating are limited. I was stuck. Here I am faced with the most severe pain I have experienced to date, feeling like my head was ready to explode and I have a little life growing inside of me. I know I went to the ER for relief; however, I was very hesitant to take medication. They wanted to administer Tigan and Reglan. I questioned the RN and the MD about these medications over and over and over. They must have thought I was crazy because I am hysterically crying in pain but I was challenging them on the effects on my unborn baby. I caved in and took the medication based upon their reassurance. They stated that these medications are not safe to take if I was taking them every day. I feel so selfish now for accepting these medications.

I did experience relief and I have had a slight headache today. I am hoping it truly is a pinched or compressed nerve in my neck. I am going to my OB tomorrow to have a follow up and discuss with her my concerns. I am going for another adjustment as well this evening.

Has anyone experienced anything similar to what I went through? Headaches and personal doubt? I feel so upset, selfish, depressed....Selfish because I?ve been in so much agony these past few days and wishing it would go away; Selfish because I accepted the medication?.I just wanted my baby to be OK and for this to go away.

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