Single Parents

F/U to visitation question below

I was asking below about replying to xh continuous question of when he is going to see DS again after the judge ordered his visitation to occur via a counselor.

I took your advice and replied to the effect of - when you coordinate the counselor let me know a couple openings and I will choose which one works best for our schedule and DS will be there.

His reply 3 days later:  "I'm free anytime to meet", okay.  Kudos to you for that, that is typically how a schedule goes when you don't work.  I KNEW he thinks I am going to do the work to set this all up!  You would think that when "everything I do is for DS" and "I will protect my rights as a father" (his words in his ranting e-mails) that you would be all over scheduling a time to get the show on the road to see DS right.  Blech.

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