2nd Trimester

Gender reveal cake=Epic FAIL

Dropped off a sealed envelope to our local chain grocery store bakery last night that had the gender of baby #2 circled and specific instructions on putting a specific color frosting between the two cake layers.

Idiot working there called me this a.m. and basically said "So, because the 'boy' is circled that means you want blue frosting?"

Ummm, HELLO!! It was supposed to be a surprise for us! I started bawling and told her to cancel the cake order. I thought my directions were clear enough, but I guess not.

What a bummer start to the day...I would've much rather the ultrasound tech tell us the sex yesterday than having some baker at a chain grocery store tell me..

Anyway...we're happy to know we're having another baby boy! He's nice and healthy, and that's all that matters :)

Thanks for letting me vent... 

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