2nd Trimester

Snacking & Exercise (or lack thereof)

So I'm trying to be honest with myself here...

I do not exercise (apart from walking my dog occasionally and any other necessary walking-- at office, at home, going out on the weekends, or to the mall, to-from car etc). 

The months before my wedding (I got prego on my honeymoon), I was working out a bit at the gym (trying to look good in my dress, of course) but since then I've really stopped working out... I've done yoga a few times and of course I walk my dog but I find that this is the only exercise I can tolerate. I'm out of breath even walking up stairs let alone doing a workout! I get tired really fast and I just take that as my body's way of saying enough. I just ended my volleyball season, so I'm not completely inactive...but we weren't super competitive (no diving or spiking or anything).

A lot of the suggestions for workouts say, "if you've been doing it before you were prego, you will be fine" but my problem is... I really wasn't doing a whole lot... so I'm fairly content with couch potatoing it--however, I'm starting to feel guilty and worried that maybe I should be working out? I basically haven't worked out (at a gym on a treadmill or eliptical) for 6 months though and I feel like it's "too late" to bother ...My dr is happy with my weight and says I'm fine and of course I should workout if I'm comfortable with it...

Also, another thing is the snacking. lol. I would be lying if I said I don't eat at least one "bad" thing for me each day. Sometimes I eat more than 1 "bad" thing... whether it be donut holes (I'm addicted!), ice cream, a cookie, etc...

I really don't even feel guilty at all eating these things (it's not like I eat it until I'm gonna barf) as it's not much different than my diet pre-pregnancy. I feel like I look great, I feel great and my doctor hasn't been worried about anything with me health-wise... I'm just going on what I read from other bumpies who say they indulge, but not every day... as if that's a mortal sin. So I guess I'm starting to second-guess myself here and am wondering if I should be feeling guilty about my not-so-great snacking habits and lack of exercise. Don't get me wrong... I eat plenty of greek yogurt, applesauce, cheese sticks, fruits and veggies and drink a ton of milk and water. I'm just referring to the sugary-snacks...

My whole life, I've always been a sweet-tooth and although I played sports, I wasn't a jogger or some kind of workout junkie... I know that I want what's best for my baby and want to be a good role model-- but I guess I just want reassurance that what I'm doing is not some horrible thing and that I'm not majorly failing and just completely oblivious of it... :/

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